Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Up on the rooftop, quick, quick, quick . . .

Testing Heck of a way to write a blog post--start out by inserting a link, then cancel the link and the "Compose" window remains accessible.

Can't edit--I can't go back to anything written above.  Oh, well.

Ahem, as I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself, it wouldn't do me much good to go "down through the chimney," with or without old Saint Nick--my employer's sukkah is on the roof, so "up in the elevator" is more like it.  I had about 10 minutes to eat my last official meal in a sukkah for this year before they closed the office for Shemini Atzeret, so I made it fast:  part of a gluten-free oat roll, 1 mozzarella cheese stick, and a couple of gluten-free cookies, topped off with Birkat HaMazon/Grace After Meals and a quick return to my office lest the security guard accidentally lock me out on the roof!  Pardon any errors--I can't make any corrections except by backspacing and deleting, as the cursor is semi-frozen in "forward-only" mode.  Chag Sameach, all!Stumbled on this "work-around" by accident.


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